Readout Configuration Dialog

Tap a Readout to add, delete, arrange and configure them.

Readoutu Configuration DialogAt the top of the dialog are four buttons. From left to right these are:

Delete button. Deletes the current Readout. This can also be done directly in the Measurement View by sliding or flinging a Readout to the right. If the Readout has scrollable text in it, then you'll need to scroll the text to the far right before the Readout will start to slide. A Photo exposure Calculator Readout should be grabbed by the left hand side and slid fully to the right.

Move Readout Up button moves the current readout up one position. This can also be done directly in the Measurement View by sliding or flinging a Readout to the left and then moving it into position and dropping it. If the Readout has scrollable text in it, then you'll need to scroll the text to the far left before the Readout will start to slide. Either move other Readouts around a Photo exposure Calculator Readout, or use a fling action in the left hand side area to pick it up.

Move Readout Down button moves the current readout down one position. This can also be done directly in the Measurement View by sliding or flinging a Readout to the left and then moving it into position and dropping it. If the Readout has scrollable text in it, then you'll need to scroll the text to the far left before the Readout will start to slide. Either move other Readouts around a Photo exposure Calculator Readout, or use a fling action in the left hand side area to pick it up.

Add a New Readout button copies the current readout settings to make a new Readout below it, and then allows you to change the configuration of the new Readout.

Readout Source

This drop-down menu selects the source of the color value displayed in the Readout. There are 10 sources (or "Registers") to choose from, in three categories.

The top entry is the Current Measurement value, and reflects the last measurement taken.

The second entry is the Reference Measurement, the value used for most of the comparative Readouts such as delta E's, Reading Delta's, RGB Adjustment Reading etc. This value is set using the ->Ref. button on the Measurement View. Selecting the Reference Register as the source allows you to see and modify its value using a Readout.

The remaining 8 sources are the 8 Primary Color References. The Primary Color references are used for a variety of purposes, the White and Black being used for computing some Readout values. These values are set using the left hand "store to Primary Reference" button on the Measurement View.

Typically most Readouts will be set to use the Current Measurement value, but configuring a Readout to use a different source is the means of examining the reference values. A Readout set to use a Reference as a source also provides a means of manually setting the reference value using the two finger tap "Set a Readout Value" functionality.

Readout Categories

To help organize the large number of possibly Readout types, they are organized into categories. The category is selected using the drop-down menu.
The Readout Type is then selected using the third drop-down menu. Each readout type may then have more detailed configuration options, and these are documented in the specific colorspace links below.

Colorspace Readings

These are all derived from CIE XYZ tri-stumulus colorspaces.

XYZ CIE XYZ Color Space
Yxy CIE 1931 Chromaticity Space
Yu'v' (CIE 1976 UCS)
Perceptually uniform Chromaticity space
CIELAB Perceptually uniform Color Space
Polar version of L*a*b* space
CIE 1976 Perceptually uniform Color Space
Polar version of L*u*v* space
DIN99 Lab DIN99 Perceptually uniform Color Space

Colorspace Reading Delta's

These are component differences between the Reference Measurement and the Current Measurement from the same CIE XYZ derived tri-stumulus colorspaces:

Delta XYZ Component Differences of CIE XYZ Color Space
Delta Yxy Component Differences of CIE 1931 Chromaticity Space
Delta Yu'v' (CIE 1976 UCS) Component Differences of Perceptually uniform Chromaticity space
Delta L*a*b* Component Differences of CIELAB Perceptually uniform Color Space
Delta L*C*h*ab Component Differences of Polar version of L*a*b* space
Delta L*u*v* Component Differences of CIE 1976 Perceptually uniform Color Space
Delta L*C*h*uv Component Differences of  Polar version of L*u*v* space
Delta DIN99 Lab Component Differences of  DIN99 Perceptually uniform Color Space

Delta E's

A Delta E or Color Difference value is a single number that represents the difference between two colors. Typically the idea is that a Delta E of 1 is a just noticeable color difference. Various delta E measures have been developed over the years, reflecting increased sophistication in understanding of color, as well as measures that are more appropriate to specific application areas.

CIE Delta E 76 (L*a*b* dE) Eclidean difference between two L*a*b* values
CIE Delta E 94 More perceptually accurate version of CIE Delta E 76
CIE Delta E 94 Textile Textile optimized version of CIE Delta E 94
CIE Delta E 2000 More perceptually accurate version of CIE Delta E 94
CMC Delta E 2:1 CMC 1984 modifed version of CIE Delta E 76 suitable for textile acceptability
CMC Delta E 1:1 CMC 1984 modified version of CIE Delta E 76 suitable for textile perceptibility
DIN99 Delta E Euclidean difference between two DIN99 L99a99b99 values, comparable to CIE Delta E 2000


A reflective or transmissive density is a logarithmic measure of how much light is absorbed or blocked. A density measurement is intended to suite a particular reproduction process, since it typically aims to measure the amount of a colorant on the media. To be able to match the standard density measures, a spectral instrument is needed, since each standard varies in its spectral response curves. Density is also the basis for measuring Tone Value Increase (TVI, A.K.A. Dot Gain).        

Visual Density Photopic luminous efficiency function
Status A Density Photographic Color Positive Print Density
Status M Density Photographic Color Negative Print Density
Status T Density U.S.A. Wide band Color Reflection Density
Status E (DIN) Density European Wide band Color Reflection Density
ISO Type 1 & 2 Density Diazo & Vesicular, Silver Halide Printing Density.
Tone Value Increase (A.K.A. Dot Gain)

Photographic Readings

These relate specifically to evaluating exposure, and calculating camera settings.

Exposure Value (EV)
Exposure Calculator Interactive Shutter speed/Aperture/ISO/Exposure adjustment calculator.

Color Temperature, RGB & Other Readings

Color Temperature Correlated/Visual, Black Body/Daylight, Kelvin/Mired color temperature.
Delta Color Temperature Difference in color temperature
Configurable RGB colorspace
Delta RGB
Delta Configurable RGB colorspace
RGB/CMY Adjustment Direction to change an RGB or CMY value to reduce the Total color error or just Chromaticity error, to the reference measurement.
Web RGB Conversion to Web Hex color value
Color Rendering Index (CIE 1995 Ra) Measure of the color fidelity of a light source
Television Lighting Consistency Index (EBU 2012)
Measure the color fidelity of a light source for Television use.
IES Light Source Color Rendition (IES TM-30-15)
Mesure the color fidelity of a light source using the IES method.
IES Light Source Color Rendition Plot (IES TM-30-15)
Mesure the color fidelity of a light source using the IES method and display the vector plot.
Visual Contrast Contrast ratio between measurement and reference.
ARPANSA UV Exposure Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency Ultraviolet Radiation exposure limits
Compare Swatches Visual representation of the color of the measurement and reference.
Named Color Name of the closest color from the selected named color library.
Named Color Swatch Visual representation of the color of the measurement, and the closest color from the selected named color library to together wit its Name and delta E.

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